
Migraine: Can we help yours?


Historically any headache that was of a “throbbing” nature was thought to involve the blood vessels within the head and was therefore thought to be a “migraine”. Any headache that was “not throbbing” was labelled a “tension-type headache”, despite there being no evidence of increased tension in the muscles of the scalp or forehead. Researchers have since improved our knowledge of headache sources, and we now know that majority of headaches fall into three categories.

Neck Headache (Cervico-genic headache)
Tension – type Headache

In our experience, finding the primary source of your headache/migraine is the key to successful management. There are many reasons/triggers for migraine and headache symptoms. One of the main reasons for migraines and headaches is stress. When we get stressed we get changes in blood pressure, we do not eat properly, we may drink more alcohol and not sleep as well. Therefore, nutrition and dietary changes can be highly successful in helping symptoms.
On top of these changes, at APSS we look very closely at how a person is functioning from their pelvis all the way up to the top of the spine. Many people get very stiff in the joints, especially around the upper rib, base and upper aspect of the neck region. With specific treatment to these areas along with advice on hydration, workplace setups and sleeping postures a person may experience significant changes to their migraine and headache symptoms.