Common Conditions APSS Treat

Pain pictureAlbert Park Sports & Spinal’s unique style blends Massage Therapy with Osteopathy. Realising the benefits of both therapies, APSS work with each individual’s needs to determine whether Osteopathic Techniques, Massage Therapy Techniques or a combination of the two therapies would be the most appropriate for a given treatment.

Your first visit involves an intensive health history intake and an assessment so that we can evaluate your chief complaint. Treatment follows the assessment in the time remaining. Assessment of individuals in standing, seated and lying down positions also occurs with every consecutive treatment session in order to evaluate progress, as well as a verbal review of how life has transpired since your last treatment – i.e., changes good or bad, questions, concerns, etc.

Sports injuries and commonly the result of overuse, direct impact or the body’s inability to withstand an external force. The sports injury that will result as a consequence will either be acute or chronic, both of which may require assessment by our experienced practitioners if pain persists.Chronic injuries are usually the result of overusing a particular muscle group and related joints, as opposed to rolling your ankle causing immediate pain associated with an acute injury.The type of sports injuries we see regularly are: Ankle sprains, Achillies tendonitis, shin splints, rotator cuff injuries, knee joint injury, runners knee, stress fractures, groin pain.To avoid the potential development of sporting injuries we suggest working with our APSS practitioners to assess running technique or relevant technique to determine if there are any physiological weaknesses that may result in or cause injury.

Sprains will cause a decrease in function and pain, which may result in time out of your chosen sport and/or your workplace. In the case of an acute ankle sprain the management should follow R.I.C.E.R:

  • Rest – Stop what your doing and avoid activity.
  • Ice – Apply an ice pack to the affected area for 20 minutes every hour (24-72 hours).
  • Compression – Compression bandage to reduce swelling.
  • Elevation – Elevate the affected leg to reduce swelling.
  • Referral – If pain persists consult an APSS practitioner.

This management will ensure a minor sprain is treated effectively, however when ever a joint is compromised re-training of correct function is advised. Our practitioners are able to assist in this re-training.

The most common cause of elbow pain is tennis elbow, golfers elbow less common. Both are a result of overuse or incorrect technique. If the area where the tendon is anchored to the bone is overloaded, pain will result. Often this pain does not settle on its own and will require treatment to improve function and exercises to prevent re-occurrence.Despite their names, this type of elbow pain can occur as a result of other physical activities such as: rowing, swimming, weightlifting, hockey – as well as repetitive activities associated with a variety of occupations. To avoid chronic pain please consult one of our qualified practitioners.

Sciatica is commonly misdiagnosed, which can result is either slow or non-responsive treatment. Leg pain can have various sources. It can be a local leg injury or it may even be referred from your lower back. The main nerve that travels from your lower back to your leg is your sciatic nerve. Irritation or pinching of your sciatic nerve can cause severe leg pain known as sciatica.

Sciatica describes pain felt along the sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower back, down through the buttock, hamstrings and into the lower leg / foot. Pressure on the sciatic nerve from a herniated disc is the main cause of sciatica.  Joint inflammation, compression of the nerve from bony arthritic growths or a locked facet joint in the lower spine can also commonly cause sciatica.Sciatica can also cause tingling, numbness or muscle weakness in the affected leg. It is very important to seek medical attention in these situations as long-term nerve compression can permanently damage the nerve and its function..
One or more of the following sensations may occur because of Sciatica:

  • Pain in the rear or leg that is worse when sitting
  • Burning or tingling down the leg
  • Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot
  • A constant pain on one side of the rear calf
  • A shooting pain that makes it difficult to stand up

Treating sciatica usually begins with a brief period of rest from the aggravating activity and manual therapy treatment to settle the acute pain. Your APSS therapist will use hands on techniques that address the cause of your pain. 
In addition to pain-relieving techniques your APSS therapist will provide exercises that assist your specific back deficiencies. This may include some loosening, stabilisation or strengthening exercises. Exactly which exercises work best for you will vary depending on the cause of your sciatica.

Statistics show that nearly half of all people will experience low back or neck pain at some point in their lives. This type of pain should be seen to as studies show early intervention will help ensure a quick and successful resolution.

History would suggest the correct treatment for low back pain is lying flat on your back. The theory has since changed to accommodate a more functional approach. We now know that getting the area mobile and functioning normally as soon as possible will help reduce stiffness and decrease overall time spent in pain.

The good news is that the majority of people with low back and neck pain will respond adequately with a management plan including manual therapy and an individual exercise program. APSS practitioners are qualified to implement this type of program, find the cause of the problem and work with you to provide greater strength, stability and flexibility.

Tension Headaches
Tension headaches are commonly caused by tightness, restriction and imbalance in the joints and muscles of the upper back and neck. Our practitioners are trained to identify and treat these restrictions and imbalances while providing postural advice and management strategies to alleviate overall tension. These strategies will ensure incidence and severity is minimized.

Historically any headache that was of a “throbbing” nature was thought to involve the blood vessels within the head and was therefore thought to be a “migraine”. Any headache that was “not throbbing” was labelled a “tension-type headache”, despite there being no evidence of increased tension in the muscles of the scalp or forehead. Researchers have since improved our knowledge of headache sources, and we now know that majority of headaches fall into three categories.

  • Neck Headache (Cervico-genic headache)
  • Tension – type Headache
  • Migraine

In our experience, finding the primary source of your headache/migraine is the key to successful management.